Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kanye West

With his razor sharp since of detailing and his ability to mix fabrics, Kanye West has a style that has boys alike changing their wardrobe. With his heavy collegic inspired dressing in the early 2000's Kanye forced a new wave in men's fashion. With Ivy League sweaters, button ups, chinos, blazers, and men bags, Kanye showed that detailing in a wardrobe wasn't just for women. Now in his new wave of style, Kayne is going for a more dark approach, something I called the 'Sophisticated Grunge'. This style is the dark colors, the long tops, the asymmetrical cuts, the leather sneakers and pants, the heavy graphic tees, and flannel. With being a 'Face of Givenchy' Kanye has but a kick to the brand. Guys and women were flooding to the store to grab the t-shirts with the dog on them. This is the man who makes all men of fashion realize that style has no gender. Fashion is consistently changing but this style icon forces fashion to change around him. His swagg and style pushes Kanye to the top of any list when it comes to men's fashion.

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